2 votes

Can the above be integrated or just Gmail?
For some reason I cant find a video in English, could you send a link please?

Anonymous 2020-04-06 07:03 1 comment
Has the answer

in this article: https://help.sugester.com/39718076-Receiving-emails-in-Sugester you will learn how to receive mail in Sugester.

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2 votes

apps for iOS question Rozwiązane

Hi, Do you ever consider your own iOS app (not just a responsive website)? If yes, when?

Anonymous 2018-11-29 15:07 2 comments
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we're currently working on the app for Android and iOS, and hope to finish it soon. We'll inform all our clients when the is ready.

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1 vote

Bonjour suggestion Rozwiązane

Anonymous 2018-03-23 18:11 0 comments
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cliente potenciales suggestion Rozwiązane

con cual nombre aparece sugester en la aplicación para cliente potenciales de facebook para agregarlo con crm

upi467388 2017-07-03 14:37 2 comments
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Hola, ¿puede por favor precisar la pregunta?

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1 vote

How to delete new folders question Rozwiązane

I have created few folders in free version. Now I want to delete some but I cannot see any option to delete these folders.

Anonymous 2016-09-19 00:49 3 comments
Has the answer

We are changing file management otions in the system, so temporary folder removing is disabled. This option will back soon.

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2 votes

Please add live chat suggestion Rozwiązane

I signed up for your service hoping to take advantage of the advertised live chat feature, but it is nowhere to be found. Do you have a timeline on when it's going to be added (if at all)?

Anonymous 2015-05-22 09:18 1 comment
Has the answer

Hey - first of all, sorry for the inconvenience. The live chat feature is currently in beta - please message me if you would like us to enable it for your account. Otherwise, it should be available to all users in a week or two.

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